Saturday, February 14, 2015

Carla Ciuffo-Imaging Artist

Carla creates dreamscapes from photographs she's taken and digitally manipulated. Ethereal and haunting at the same time, these images stay with you long after you look at them. They did for me. That's why I sought her out, wanting to know more about how she creates her work.
What is the theme of your work?
The theme stems from sensory experiences, memories of childhood, elements of danger that are present in day to day living. One particular body of work-Stasis-is about living in a positive/negative space. It’s about bringing in a lot of negative space, light and a bit of danger in an area but at the same time allowing ourselves to be in a nonjudgmental place of serenity, which is where we find ourselves in those moments before we take the next step, into whatever that maybe. A new course of action, a new way of life, whatever. It could be anything. It’s about that moment before we make a choice, that hesitation that is sometimes felt. This is what I’m trying to visually articulate in Stasis.
What inspires your work?
I started with photography when I was living in Arizona. I was fascinated with the incredible light sources that exist in the Southwest. I’m inspired by light around me, from the sun to the little squiggles you see when you close your eyes really tight, these with other sensory experiences and memories inspire me. Also the magic of photography inspires me. The fact that a moment can be recorded with a camera amazes me, and also the fact that I can apply my own vision to these images with post-production methods never cease to fascinate me.
What are the goals for your work?
To create an emotional experience that someone else can visualize and interpret for themselves is my biggest goal. As far as my medium is concerned, I’ve been exploring the idea of 3D and holographic art and hope to manifest some of these ideas in the near future. I’d love to bring some of the images that I make into installations, to bring them to life.
What are your thoughts on the Nashville arts scene?
It’s definitely burgeoning. There are so many creative people here and more seem to be coming. There also seems to more of interest in purchasing art which is fantastic for the artists.
You can learn more about Carla's work at:
Carla is represented by Tinney Gallery

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